Project Overview

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is constructing a new interchange along I-15 at Shepard Lane in Farmington, Utah. This new interchange will help alleviate congestion, connect communities, and improve safety for all modes of transportation. Improvements included as part of this project include:

  • A new diamond interchange on I-15 at Shepard Lane
  • A new noise wall on the east side of I-15 between Shepard Lane and Park Lane
  • A direct connection from 1500 West to the Shepard Lane interchange
  • Construction of a new roadway between Innovator Drive and 1500 West
  • Construction of new shared-use facilities at Shepard Lane and Park Lane
  • North- and southbound auxiliary lanes between Shepard Lane and Park Lane
  • Removal of the existing Shepard Lane bridge at I-15

This interchange will improve walking and biking facilities over I-15 at Shepard Lane and along Park Lane. Multi-modal improvements at Shepard Lane include the construction of a 10-foot shared-use trail on the north side of Shepard Lane and sidewalks on the south side. Park Lane multi-modal improvements include a new multi-modal path connecting FrontRunner facilities on the west side of I-15 to Park Lane east of US-89.


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Contact Information 

Hotline: 385-758-2040


Stay Informed

Visit the 'Contact' page to sign up for project updates. For up-to-date traffic impacts and construction information, visit

Construction: March 2024–Summer 2026

What to Expect:

  • Daytime work seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
    • Night and weekend work as needed
  • Intermittent lane closures on I-15 and US-89
  • Alternating one-way traffic near Shepard Lane and I-15. See the Construction Updates tab for more information.
  • Increased dust, noise, vibrations, and truck back-up alarms
  • Minor travel delays

Oakridge Preserve Trail Closure: March 2024 - Summer 2026

  • The Oakridge Preserve Trail along the Frontage Road from Silverwood Drive to Shepard Lane will be closed due to construction. Please utilize an alternate route.

Southbound I-15 Lane Shift: August 2024–Spring 2025

  • Southbound I-15 travel lanes between Burton Lane in Kaysville and Park Lane in Farmington will shift to the median to accommodate bridge work for the new I-15 interchange at Shepard Lane.