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Northwest Utah County Program
As the population in Utah continues to grow, transportation planning and development play a key role. The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is planning and implementing several transportation improvement projects in Northwest Utah County to keep Utah moving while facilitating a strong economy, and maintaining a high quality of life.
Coordinated Communication
The Northwest Utah County Program was created to provide a "one-stop-shop" of transportation information for the area.
Rather than starting and stopping outreach efforts with each individual project, the Northwest Utah County Program will remain a consistent source of information for years to come.
Visit the "Sign up for Updates" tab to stay connected to the latest information about progress and impacts for a variety of UDOT's Northwest Utah County projects.
Active Projects
Click the links below to learn more about the current active projects:
2100 North Construction
The 2100 North Freeway Project will improve transportation in Lehi and improve the east/west connection from I-15 to Mountain View Corridor. The 2100 North Project will enhance connectivity between Redwood...
Pioneer Crossing Improved
UDOT is actively studying operational traffic improvements on Pioneer Crossing between I-15 and Mountain View Corridor to address heavy directional traffic during rush hour.
Contact Information
To contact the public information team with questions:
Hotline: 385-510-2700
Stay Informed
To receive update emails, please visit the "Sign up for Updates" or contact the public information team at the email address below and include "Updates" in the subject line.
*You are signing up for construction updates from all NW Utah County projects.