Standstill traffic in Big Cottonwood Canyon during a winter snowstorm.

Transportation needs in Big Cottonwood Canyon are primarily related to traffic congestion during peak periods (typically 7-9am and 3-5pm) during the ski season and anticipated future increase in visitation as a result of population and tourism growth in Utah.

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is preparing an environmental study to evaluate the winter congestion mitigation needs on State Route (SR) 190 from the intersection of SR-190/Fort Union Boulevard in Cottonwood Heights through the town of Brighton in Salt Lake County, Utah.

The study will evaluate methods to reduce winter-time traffic congestion on SR-190 as identified by the Utah Legislature in Senate Bill 2 (2023). As a result of numerous past studies, in 2023, the Utah Legislature via Senate Bill 2 appropriated funds to “provide enhanced bus service, tolling, a mobility hub, and resort bus stops for Big and Little Cottonwood Canyons.”

The environmental study will be prepared consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and will address the requirements of the USDA Forest Service (USDA FS) as needed.

This map of Big Cottonwood Canyon highlights the study area from Fort Union Blvd. to the town of Brighton with location markers.

NEPA Assignment

The environmental review, consultation, and other actions required by applicable Federal environmental laws for this project are being, or have been, carried out by UDOT pursuant to 23 U.S.C. 327 and a Memorandum of Understanding dated May 26, 2022, and executed by FHWA and UDOT.​

Study Process & Schedule

Contact Information

To contact the public information team with questions: 

Hotline: 801-477-6410


Stay Informed

To receive update emails, please contact the public information team at the email address above and enter "Updates" in the subject line.

Spring 2024 - Fall 2024

Pre-Scoping Activities:

  • Review of past studies
  • Identify environmental resources
  • Local government presentations
  • Stakeholder working group meeting
  • Public outreach

Fall 2024 - Winter 2024


  • Existing conditions traffic analysis & projected 2050 no-action conditions
  • Develop study’s purpose and need 
  • Develop proposed concept 
  • Public Scoping meetings (virtual and in-person)
  • Local government presentations 
  • Stakeholder working group meeting  
  • Public outreach

Winter 2024 - Fall 2025

Environmental Study: 

  • Refine action alternative
  • Analyze environmental impacts
  • Prepare and publish environmental document
  • Local government presentations
  • Stakeholder working group meeting
  • Public hearings (virtual and in person) and comment period
  • Public outreach

Winter 2025


  • Respond to public comments
  • Revise environmental document as appropriate
  • Issue decision document
  • Stakeholder working group meeting
  • Local government presentations
  • Public outreach