Project Description

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) will install an Intersection Conflict Warning System on SR-30, near Riverside, in Box Elder County, at the intersection of SR-30 & SR-81 (Garland Rd). The purpose is to eliminate cross-street crashes by adding vehicle detection and alert equipment, flashing beacons, and enhanced area illumination using luminaires. In order to meet UDOT’s goal to optimize mobility; and zero crashes, injuries and fatalities, this situation needs to be addressed.

Route:  SR-30 / Start Milepost: 93.14 - End Milepost: 93.16



Image:  Early Prep 05/17/23

Image:  Beacon Installed 06/21/23

Image:  Crash Cushion 6/21/23



Work Hours: Daylight Hours

Workdays: Monday - Friday

Schedules are subject to change due to weather conditions and material availability.

End Construction: Mid-June

Contact Information

To contact the public information team with questions or concerns:

Hotline: 435-990-1050
