Construction Activities January 30 - February 28
Know before you go! Check UDOT Traffic before hitting the road.
Ongoing Activities
700 West to 900 West
As early as Monday, February 3, 700 West will close between 8800 South and 9000 South while crews upgrade the existing storm drain system. The full closure will last three days.
Starting Thursday, February 6, NORTHBOUND 700 West will reopen. Southbound through traffic should use Sandy Parkway as an alternate route.
Local two-way traffic will be allowed between 8400 South and 8800 South. Click here for detour map.
Additional upcoming work on 700 West includes widening the roadway and installation of curb, gutter, and sidewalks.
Work continues on the center section of the bridge over the Jordan River with traffic using the outside lanes. Due to narrow lane widths, vehicles over 10' wide should use an alternate route.
900 West to Redwood Road
Sidewalk work continues on the south side of 9000 South between 1075 West and Redwood Road. Pedestrians should continue to use the north side of 9000 South.
- Properties with more than one access will have one access closed while the other access is left open. Properties with only one access will be coordinated with the project team.
Street lights installation continues between 1000 West and Redwood Road.
Cast-in-place wall installation is taking place on the south side of 9000 South between 800 West and 1075 West.
Irrigation lines are being installed in the park strips on the south side of 9000 South between 1000 West and Redwood Road.
Nearby residents and business may have an increase in noise, dust, and vibration as work takes place.
*Schedule is subject to change due to weather, equipment, or material delays.
Bridge Girder Placement
See the time lapse video of the crews placing the girders on 9000 South over the Jordan River.
Bridge Deck Concrete Pour
See the time lapse video of crews pouring concrete for the southern deck of the bridge over the Jordan River.
Infographics as of December 31, 2024.
Did you know?
Our crews have used over 647,000 pounds of reinforced steel during this project - most on the new bridge over the Jordan River! That's more than a 747 weighs!
Eastbound 9000 South left turn closed at 700 West
The left turning lane to 700 West from eastbound 9000 South will be closed. This closure is expected to last through Summer 2025. Traffic should use Sandy Parkway (450 West) as the detour route. Click here to see the recommended detour map.
This closure is necessary to ensure safety as there is insufficient room to install a left-turning lane.
Patrons to the River Oaks Driving Range may only enter and leave eastbound on 9000 South. Drivers should not drive into the work zone as hazards may be present. Click here for the detour map.
Transit and Traffic Information
UTA Bus Route F590 - Due to construction activities, the bus stops within work areas may have temporary closures and stop adjustments. Visit UTA's website for specific stop information. |
Know before you go! Check UDOT Traffic before hitting the road.
Contact Information
Hotline: 855-925-2801 Project #5626
Contact Information
To contact the Public information team with questions or concerns:
Hotline: 855-925-2801 Project #5626
Stay Informed
To receive weekly construction updates, please contact the public information team at the email address above and enter "Weekly Updates" in the subject line
Area Projects
To learn more about the 1300 West widening project by West Jordan City, click here.
To learn more about the 9000 South Paving Project (Redwood Road to Bangerter Highway) by UDOT, click here.