The Utah Department of Transportation is undertaking an improvement project on US-6 which will implement dual left turns at Expressway Lane and Canyon Creek Parkway. It will include the addition of a third eastbound lane that drops east of Expressway Lane, signal and intersection improvements at Expressway Lane, and the relocation of the trail on the south side of the road. This is a vital transportation corridor linking the Wasatch Front to I-70 and point beyond. Keeping Utah Moving is a department priority.

Key project benefits include:

  • Dual left turns at Expressway Lane and Canyon Creek Parkway
  • Roadway widening - Eastbound lane that will continue through Expressway Lane to about Center Street
  • Trail realignment along the south of the roadway 
  • Various updated drainage controls
  • New pavement from I-15 to US-89 at the mouth of the canyon


Contact Information

To contact the public information team with questions or concerns:

Hotline: 800-292-3557

Email: us6improved@utah.gov

Website: udotinput.utah.gov/us6improved

Contact Information

To contact the public information team with questions or concerns:

Hotline: 800-292-3557

Join our email update list at us6improved@utah.gov

Visit our website at udotinput.utah.gov/us6improved

Call our hotline at 800-292-3557

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To receive weekly construction updated, please contact the public informaiton team at the email address above and enter "Weekly Updates" in the subject line.

Area Projects


ROW Coordination


Winter Suspension

The contractor has suspended operations for the winter season. Work will resume early Summer 2025