Update 12/13/24: The project is complete for the season. Crews will come back in mid-February to finish up.
Project Description
Flood Control Measures - The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is undertaking a project to address flood damage from Spring 2023 and past years in the Thistle Creek and Soldier Creek areas. This involves removing loose sediment deposited during the flooding and using it to construct an earthen barrier (or berm) between US-89 and the creeks to help prevent future flooding of the highway. A waterproof liner will be placed inside the berm to ensure it remains watertight. Additionally, UDOT will reinforce the berm and the creek banks using a combination of natural materials (soft armoring) and stronger, more durable materials (hard armoring) to protect against future erosion and floods.
Berm installed adjacent to Solider Creek 12/17/24
Thistle Creek after dredging and embankment rebuild 11/20/24
Contact Information
To contact the public information team with questions or concerns:
Hotline: 801-838-8363
Email: thistledrainage@utah.gov