University Boulevard & 1150 West Improved
University Boulevard & 1150 West Improved
The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), in cooperation with Cedar City, is in the process of conducting an environmental study (Categorical Exclusion) to evaluate the potential environmental impacts associated with the following proposed improvements on SR-289.
The Utah Department of Transportation is proposing to use federal funds to make intersection improvements on SR-289 between mileposts 0.8 and 0.95 in Cedar City in Iron County, UT. This project will construct a roundabout to improve traffic flow and upgrade pedestrian access and safety at the intersection of SR-289 (University Blvd) and 1150 West.
The project will also include drainage improvements, utility line adjustments, lighting, new signage and striping. In addition, the project will construct a new sidewalk along the north side of Center Street/University Blvd extending west over I-15 to tie into the existing sidewalk on the west side of the overpass. Acquisition of ROW will be required at the location of the proposed roundabout.
The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is completing topographical surveys and an environmental study on SR-289 (University Parkway) around the intersection of 1150 W and University Blvd and also West to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Church Parking lot in Cedar City. This is for the design phase of an upcoming intersection improvement project at University Blvd and 1150W. This project will construct a roundabout to improve traffic flow and pedestrian paths and safety at this intersection.
Design Progress
Designers are entering the final phase of design following the Open House/Public Hearing on September 5, 2024.
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