Study Overview

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is proposing improvements to State Route 9 (SR-9) in Washington County, Utah, between Interstate 15 (I-15) and the future Southern Parkway. The purpose of the study is to evaluate long-term transportation goals and objectives for a 6.5 mile-long section of SR-9, between Interstae 15 (I-15) and the future Southern Parkway connection at milepost (MP) 6.5, at approximately 2800 West.

The Project's goals include the following:

  • Accommodate 2050 travel demand for local traffic on SR-9
  • Accommodate 2050 travel demand for through traffic on SR-9
  • Decrease safety risk at at-grade intersections on a high speed corridor
  • Safely accommodate active transportation for both pedestrians and bicyclists
  • Accommodate future transit

Final SES

The Utah Department of Transportation has completed the State Environmental Study (SES) for proposed improvements to State Route 9 (SR-9) in Washington County, Utah between I-15 and the future Southern Parkway connection (approximately 2800 West).

The SES has been approved and has been published. This comes after UDOT conducted a public scoping meeting in March 2019, and a public hearing in February 2020. You may download or view the document below:



Scoping: Spring 2019

Conducted Scoping and accepted comments.

Developed Goals and Objectives: Spring 2019

Defined the transportation problems and developed goals.

Developed and Screened Alternatives: Summer 2019

Developed a range of solutions and identified the Preferred Alternative.

Analyzed Impacts of Preferred Alternative: Fall 2019

Evaluated the social and environmental impacts resulting from the Preferred Alternative.

Hold Public Hearing: Feburary 2020

Draft SES available for publc review, hold a hearing to solicit comments and answer questions.

Finalized Environmental Study: Spring 2020

Respond to public input, finalized SES, and issue decision.