UDOT | Navajo Nation_Logo 

Project Introduction

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) in partnership with the Navajo Nation has received a Nationally Significant Federal Lands and Tribal Projects Grant. The Grant will be used to improve safety on SR-162 and SR-262 in San Juan County, Utah.  Additional federal and state funding has been approved with work tentatively scheduled to begin in August 2024.

Project Purpose and Improvements

The project objectives are intended to improve safety and pavement along 53 miles of road in San Juan county between SR-162 and SR-262.  Additional improvements include the rebuild of multiple structures, and other roadway specific enhancements.  The following is a shortlist of several key upgrades:

  • Improve and/or reconstruct pavement
  • Improve and/or install safety features such as guardrail, cattleguards, extra signage, protected turn lanes, and pavement markings
  • Widen lanes and/or add shoulders
  • Rebuild or improve several dozen culverts and flood mitigation infrastructure
  • Construct a roundabout at the SR-162 and SR-262 intersection
  • Replace the SR-162 bridge over McElmo Creek
  • Install fiber-optic conduit
  • Install over 50 cattleguards at various roadway access points
  • Construct a livestock crossing under SR-162

This project will make travel safer, smoother and more convenient for the residents in the area; visitors traveling to Bears Ears, Four Corners, and Hovenweep National Monuments; and workers serving the petroleum extraction industry in the region.



Job Site Photo 262

Culvert Extension and Headwall Assembly | SR-262 | 021025


Shoulder Extension ImageShoulder Extension Image
Shoulder Extensions | SR-262 | 021025



Cattleguard Image

Completed Cattleguard Installation | SR-162 @ Montezuma Creek | 021025


Fiber Optic Image

Trenching for Fiber Optic Conduit Installation | SR-262 | 021025

Schedule Icon  Schedule

Pre-Construction 2024

  • Contractor Advertising (March/April)
  • Contractor Awarded (May)
  • Groundbreaking Event (Aug 13)

Navajo Nation - Aneth Chapter Logo

Construction Start: mid-August 2024

Work Hours: 7am - 7pm 

Workdays: Monday - Friday

(Updated as of 3/7/25)


US-191 to Montezuma Creek:  Crews continue to move dirt into place adjacent to the road in preperation for shoulder widening additions.  This work will continue through March.  Cattleguard installations are mostly complete, but culvert headwall installations continue.  Fiber Optic conduit installations continue through eastern 1/3 of route.  Traffic control along the route will require up to x2 individual flagging and pilot car operations to maintain safety for crews moving equipment.  


Bluff to Montezuma Creek:  Cattleguards are complete.  Drainage headwall installations will continue through March.  Be prepared for a short delays as a single short-distance flagging operation will be required.

Montezuma Creek to Aneth:   Cattleguard installations continue.  As of mid February, crews are moving earth to prepare for shoulder widening regions.  A single short-distance flagging operations will be required to clear the region with UDOT ROW.  Stay tuned for additional details.

Aneth to Colorodo Border: Work is suspended until further notice.  Fiber Optic installations are mostly complete.  Cattleguards pending approval.


2025 Paving Schedule

Various paving activities set to begin once temperatures moderate into the spring season.

SR-162 | Roundabout and Aneth Bridge Schedule

Work at the bridge site continues.  The structural work to erect a new bridge is set to begin in April.

Please note that traffic control is in place.  See the 'Latest Impacts and Updates' tab for more information.

Construction End: Summer 2026

Schedules are subject to change due to weather conditions and material availability.

Contact Information

To contact the public information team with questions or concerns:

Hotline: 801-838-8364

Email: sr162-262@utah.gov

Website: udotinput.utah.gov/sr162-262

Stay Informed

To receive occasional construction updates, please contact the public informaiton team at the email address above and enter "Weekly Updates" in the subject line.