I-80 Parley's Canyon Pavement Improvement
I-80 Parley's Canyon Pavement Improvement
This paving project is part of UDOT’s work to maintain and extend the life of the pavement within Parley’s Canyon, including the Parley’s Chain-Up Area and on/off ramps. This project has reached completion!
There will no longer be any lane or ramp closures for this project. Take a look at the photos below representing the new pavement!
There’s another UDOT project in the area to be made aware of. For information on the I-80 WB Rockfall Protection Project at the mouth of Parley's Canyon please visit UDOT Traffic (utah.gov) for traffic control impacts or call 801-699-5967 with questions.
Contact Information
To contact the public information team with questions or concerns:
Hotline: 385-509-4319
Email: i80stillman@utah.gov
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To receive weekly construction updated, please contact the public information team at the email address above and enter "Weekly Updates" in the subject line.