I-15 Washington Construction


In spring 2023, the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) began construction on I-15 between Green Spring Drive (Exit 10) and Washington Parkway (Exit 13) in Washington, Utah. Improvements include:

  • Widening I-15 to include an additional travel lane in each direction
  • Constructing a new interchange at Main Street (new Exit 12)
  • Implementing intersection improvements at Buena Vista Boulevard and Main Street

This project will improve safety and mobility throughout Washington County by providing additional connections from I-15 to the rapidly growing northeast areas of Washington and the downtown area.



Environmental: Summer 2017 - Late 2019

The Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) and Record of Decision (ROD) documents can be viewed here:

Design: Early 2022 - Early 2023

Designed the new Main Street interchange (future Exit 12) and I-15 widening improvements

Construction: Spring 2023 - Winter 2024

What To Expect:
  • Day work; Monday - Friday, 7 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
    • Weekend and night work as needed
  • Occasional traffic shifts, detours and lane closures
    • Traffic delays on I-15
    • Closure of Main Street at I-15 until the end of 2024
  • Increased dust, noise and vibration
Schedules are subject to change due to weather conditions and material availability.


Contact Information

Please contact the public information team with questions or concerns:

Hotline: 385-403-4300

Email: i15washington@utah.gov

Stay Informed

To receive regular construction updates, please contact the public information team at the project email address (i15washington@utah.gov) and enter "Email Updates" in the subject line.