3500 South Sign Maintenance
3500 South Sign Maintenance
3500 South Sign Replacement
This project is complete.
Signs for the I-215 and 3500 South (SR-171) exit were replaced overnight Saturday, November 16. There was a full closure of westbound 3500 South between the I-215 ramps from 9 p.m. to 11 a.m. The detour sent westbound drivers up the I-215 to SR-201 and then back down to resume driving on 3500 South. See the graphic below.
This installation was previously delayed because the materials needed for the sign replacement were on back order.
For more information on sign replacements over I-15, please visit udotinput.utah.gov/signageslcounty.
Contact Information
To contact the public information team with questions or concerns:
Hotline: 888-556-0232
Email: signageslcounty@utah.gov
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