Project Description

The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) will resurface State Route 39 in Weber County from State Route 203 (Harrison Blvd.) to State Route 158 (Pineview Dam).  This project objectives are aimed at preserving the life of the roadway by added a chip and seal coat overlay to the road surface.  This paving process will help prevent the deterioration of the road surface, address roadway imperfections and enhance motorist safety by providing good skid resistance for vehicles.

Route: SR-39 / Start MIlepost: 7.713 - End MIlepost: 13.792



Work Hours: Sunrise - 3pm

Workdays: Monday - Thursday

Schedules are subject to change due to weather conditions and material availability.

[ See Impacts & Updates for traffic control details ]

Start Construction: July 12, 2023

Work will begin at on the west end of the route (Harrison Blvd)

  • Starting July 12:  Work will begin with some variable patching of the roadway in various locations through the entire route.  Motorists should be prepared to stop for flaggers and short distance pilot car operations.
  • July 12 - 13:  Chip-seal overlay will be applied between Harrison Blvd. and the mouth of the canyon.  Lanes will be closed in sections.
  • Starting July 17:  Crews will reach the mouth of the canyon applying a chip overlay, in sections, to the top of the canyon.  During this time, motorists will hold for longer one-way alternating traffic using a pilot car operation.  Delays could reach up to 15 minutes or more during peak hours.
  • July 25 - 27:  Additional chip overlay finishing work.  Crews applying a seal coat layer to entire route.  Motorist can expect delays continuing upward to 15 minutes under a flagger and pilot-car operation. Lane painting and striping will be applied Thursday evening, July 27.  (Major Paving Work Complete)
  • July 31 - Aug 3:  Multiple roadway signs to be installed.  (Some of this work may happen at night)  Short distance one-way alternating traffic control will remain in-place with pilot car operations.  
  • Aug 7 - 31:  Ongoing work in canyon to patch various sections, Additional painting for lane lines, striping for roadway crosswalks and directional messaging.  Short distance one-way alternating traffic control will remain in-place with pilot-car operations.  
  • Sept 4 - 14:  Various resurfacing over the recently patched areas. Roadbase material addded to shoulders at prescribed locations in the canyon.  Installation of multiple roadway signs.  A short distance moving flagging operations will be necessary.
  • Sept 18 - 19:  Some nighttime painting/striping of crosswalks/roadway messages mostly between Harrision Blvd and the mouth of the canyon.  

End Construction: Sept 14, 2023

Contact Information

To contact the public information team with questions or concerns:

Hotline: 435-990-1050


Stay Informed

To receive weekly construction updated, please contact the public information team at the email address above and enter "SR-39 Paving Updates" in the subject line.