Electric Vehicle Charging Plan
Electric Vehicle Charging Plan
The past few years have seen a significant acceleration in global efforts to electrify many transportation sectors, including surface transportation. New ambitious electrification targets from auto manufacturers as well as consumer-driven investments are unlocking the most significant evolution of surface transportation since the invention of the automobile.
Utah has been working for years on planning and implementing a convenient, reliable and equitable electric vehicle charging network. By preparing for more widespread electric vehicle adoption alongside active transportation like walking and biking and increased public transit use, Utahns can help work toward healthier communities and quality of life. Additionally, building out Utah's EV charging network will increase economic development, transportation choice, energy resiliency, and emergency route options. The Utah Department of Transportation and the Utah Office of Energy Development play a key role in implementing this vision and have been working hard to meet this challenge head on.
Clarification Addendum to Utah's NEVI RFA 1.A (8/13/2024)
In response to questions received regarding scoring for the funding match criteria, we have issued a Clarification Addendum. Under the Competitive Criteria for Funding Score, applicants' funding request amount will be based on the total number of NEVI eligible ports that will be installed as part of the project.
Click here to view the Addendum.
UTAH NEVI UPDATE (7/12/2024) : Utah's NEVI RFA Phase 1.A Has Been Advertised
UDOT’s National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Program is readvertising three of Utah National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Funding Program Phase I identified sites.
We are now accepting applications for Fillmore,Tremonton and Crescent Junction geographical areas. Applicants are encouraged to review the information found in the UDOT NEVI Funding Program Request for Application (RFA) Phase 1.A, which has been updated as of July 12, 2024. RFA Phase 1.A provides detailed information on the application process and requirements, as well as the selection criteria that will be used to evaluate each application.
Click here to be directed to the application form.
Please note that the deadline for submitting applications is August 22, 2024, at 5:00 pm (MST).
Utah’s NEVI Plan
On September 14, 2022, the Biden Administration announced that Utah is one of 35 states whose National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) deployment Plan has been approved ahead of schedule.
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, signed into law on Nov. 15, 2021, established a first-of-its-kind National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Formula Program (NEVI). NEVI will provide funding to states to deploy electric vehicle charging infrastructure along public roads to establish an interconnected network across the state and nation. Utah recently submitted its 2023 NEVI plan update for review and approval. You can view the approved plan update here.
The NEVI Plan contains sections addressing charging infrastructure deployment, existing and future conditions, contracting, implementation, and program evaluation as well as documentation of state agency coordination, stakeholder outreach, and public engagement. The Plan addresses statewide connectivity and initial EV charging placement needs to reliably travel across the state and in rural areas, as well as augmenting the needs in urban areas for greater densities of EV vehicles.
You can provide comments and input using the form at the bottom of this page.
Interactive Utah NEVI Phase I Map
An interactive map illustrating the approved geographical areas for Phase I of Utah's NEVI Program, can be viewed here.
UDOT intends to select one location to satisfy the Planned NEVI Phase I Areas along these corridors to install NEVI compliant chargers. The map offers an approximate view of potential areas within a *one-mile radius from the corridors. Under the NEVI Program, the installation of EVSE is mandated every 50 miles along the corridor and within one driving mile off the corridor.
It should be noted that the information provided is voluntary and may not reflect precise distances.
*Zoom into map to view 1 mile radius
Utah's NEVI Funding Program
We are pleased to announce that UDOT has issued conditional awards for the UDOT NEVI Funding Program - RFA - Phase I. Utah received a total of 75 applications, for 14 of the 15 NEVI sites approved in Utah’s Plan for Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Deployment. Utah also received, and is awarding, an application for one Discretionary Exception site. These sites have been chosen to enhance the accessibility and dependability of electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Utah.
Phase 1 conditionally awarded federal funding total is $7.5 million, with the Private Sector contributing $10 million in matching funds. This represents a private sector match of 58% of the total anticipated construction costs to build out the conditionally awarded sites.
We extend our gratitude to all participants for their time and commitment to the Utah NEVI Program, and for their contribution to enhancing transportation options within Utah.
The list of recipients, and the corresponding site address and site owner, who have received conditional awards can be viewed here. (Updated 12/20/2023)
The approved Categorical Exlusions for the 15 conditionally awarded sites can be viewed here.
The final Utah NEVI Funding Program - RFA - Phase 1, which was updated September 19, 2023, can be viewed here.
NEVI Program Partnering Directory
UDOT has compiled a list of partners that includes prospective applicants, hosting communities, and other relevant stakeholders who express their desire to install, own, operate & maintain electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) in their respective communities. This directory will enable charging providers to seek out possible collaborations and remain informed about forthcoming program announcements. If you are interested in being included on this list, please fill out the linked Google form below.
- UDOT NEVI Program Partnering Directory Sign Up
- UDOT NEVI Program Partnering Directory Results (Updated 9/6/2024)
NEVI Timeline
Frequently Asked Questions
NEVI stands for National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure and refers to a formula that will strategically deploy funding to State for EV charging with a goal to put us on a path to a nationwide network of 500,000 EV chargers by 2030. This includes a total of up to $7.5 billion in dedicated funding to help make EV chargers accessible to all Americans for local to long-distance trips. That $7.5 billion is comprised of a $5 billion NEVI formula program and a $2.5 billion discretionary grant program.
Utah is poised to not simply spend the funds but to invest the funds to grow local economies, create new industries, and focus on the economic multiplier effect in Utah.
This is a new $2.5 billion competitive grant program that is divided into two distinct $1.25 billion grant programs to support EV charger deployment.
Alternative Fuel Corridor Grants (Corridor Program)
This program will strategically deploy publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure and hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure along designated Alternative Fuel Corridors.
Community Charging and Fueling Grants (Community Program)
This program will strategically deploy publicly accessible EV charging infrastructure and hydrogen, propane, and natural gas fueling infrastructure in communities.
More information can be found here.
You are welcome to email your input to strategicinvesment@utah.gov