Shoulder Work on SR-30 from Union Pacific Railraod (UPRR) to 1900 West 

SR-30 construction began on Monday, July 8, on the south side of the road from the UPRR railroad tracks to 1900 West. During this phase, crews will be clearing tress and grubbing, working eastward. 

Drivers in the area should anticipte rolling shoulder closures over the next few months for this operation. Flagging will be necessary at times to manage eastbound traffic entering town, allowing trucks to get back on the road safely. 

No major activities are expected east of 1900 West until early fall. Work from 1000 West to 1900 West is anticipated to start in early fall, including relocating utility lines and installing water and sewer lines. All utility work is scheduled for completion this year, with final roadway reconstruction set for 2025. 

We appreciate your patience and cooperation during this critical project. For real-time traffic updates, please visit the UDOT Traffic Website ( or download the UDOT Traffic App.  



Project Overview

UDOT has designed improvements that will address traffic congestion and improve safety on SR-30, from SR-23 to 10th West (SR-252), based on the recently completed Corridor Study (see Corridor History Tab). Phase 2 work began in July 2024 with substantial completion expected in late 2025.


  • With the growing population in Cache Valley, there is an increase in travel on SR-30, including freight travel. SR-30 is the only east-west roadway in Cache Valley so it is an important connection to the other major transportation routes in the area, especially I-15, US-89, and US-91 (Sardine Canyon). It is also an important truck route and is an alternative route to Cache Valley when US-89/US-91 is closed because of snow or an accident.

Corridor Concerns

  • The current area concerns include traffic/farm equipment crossing SR-30, traffic crossing lanes and potential for collisions, and lack of shoulders or sidewalks for walking and biking. The current design improves these concerns and provides a trail for recreational use.


Phase 1: Construction Preparation 2023 (Completed)
Roadway Embankment Placement and Settlement – Beginning in July 2023, crews began construction which includes placing silt fence, constructing right of way fencing, preparing areas for material placement by clearing/grubbing the existing surface, stabilization of soft soils with fabric and rock, and placing borrow. The project construction activities will also include construction of some drainage structure and pipe as well as utility relocations. This phase of work is expected to last until December 2023. During preparation, there will be partial closures that will maintain a single lane of travel, some night work, and some weekend full closures with detours. This phase will also include the reconstruction of the railroad crossing which will result in a full closure with detours.

Phase 2: Construction Phase (Summer 2024):

  • Additional travel lanes

  • Increased shoulder width

  • Flattened roadway side slopes

  • Bridge structure widening and construction of new drainage box culverts

  • New recreational trail on the south side of SR-30 and a sidewalk on the north side

  • Improvements at SR-23 intersection including an Advanced Warning System and intersection lighting

Design (2018)

Phase 1: Construction Preparation (2023)

Phase 2: Construction (2024 - 2025)

Contact Information

To contact the public information team with questions or concerns:

  • Hotline: 435-774-0700
  • Email:
  • Website: