Study Complete
The Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) has conducted an Environmental Assessment (EA) consistent with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) to evaluate potential improvements at the Interstate 84 (I-84) / US-89 interchange in Davis and Weber Counties. This interchange is the meeting point of two major roadways that serve Utahn’s across the state. The EA considers current and future transportation needs while taking into account any potential impacts to the natural and built environments. The EA, as amended, and the Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) have been approved and the project can proceed toward final design and construction of the Selected Alternative.

View the FONSI and EA errata sheets here.

Next Steps

With the approval of the EA and FONSI, the project may move into final design and right-of-way (ROW) acquisition phases. Future phases of the project are dependent on funding.

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UDOT may construct the Selected Alternative in multiple phases as funding becomes available. Potential phases could include:

Phase One

  • Implement a new single-point urban interchange (SPUI) at I-84 and US-89

  • Relocate and realign the UPRR railroad bridges

Phase Two

  • Build the new commuter bypass lanes from South Weber to South Ogden with a southbound flyover ramp at Harrison Boulevard

  • Construct shared-use paths with a Weber River crossing

  • Improve the Skyline Drive intersection

Potential phases could be combined or modified to accommodate available funding. 


Click on the link below for a more detailed map of the Selected Alternative and proposed construction phasing:

Proposed Construction Phasing 

Selected Alternative