2100 North Construction
2100 North Construction
The 2100 North Freeway Project will improve transportation in Lehi and improve the east/west connection from I-15 to Mountain View Corridor. The 2100 North Project will enhance connectivity between Redwood Road and I-15, providing a 2.8-mile freeway segment designed to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion.
2100 North Freeway Project
The 2100 North Freeway Project will improve transportation in Lehi and improve the east/west connection from I-15 to Mountain View Corridor. The 2100 North Project will enhance connectivity between Redwood Road and I-15, providing a 2.8-mile freeway segment designed to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion. This project includes the construction of a system-to-system interchange at I-15, approximately 20 roadway structures, and three shared-use-path structures to support pedestrians and cyclists. Additionally, two miles of shared-use path will be realigned or reconstructed to enhance safety and accessibility.
Contact Information
To contact the public information team with questions:
Hotline: 385-510-2700
Email: NWUtahCounty@utah.gov
*When sending an email, please include the text “2100 North Freeway Project” in your subject line.
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Email: NWUtahCounty@utah.gov
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